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Does My Car Battery Need To Be Replaced?

Does My Car Battery Need To Be Replaced?

It’s a classic setup. You’re late to work, and the car won’t start. Dead car battery. Again. You hurriedly connect the jumper cables with a practiced efficiency. Soon, you’re up and running. While jump-starting your car may get you to work, it’s usually best to find...
Why Are My Brakes Squealing?

Why Are My Brakes Squealing?

The last thing you want to worry about while cruising down the road is your vehicle’s brakes. And while some brake repairs can happen suddenly, most of the time there are warning signs you can look (and listen) for that will give you a heads up that a brake repair is...
6 Signs Your Transmission May Need Repair

6 Signs Your Transmission May Need Repair

Transmissions are an incredibly complex part of your vehicle. If you Google “transmission interior parts,” you’ll see an overwhelming number of images of assorted gears, clutches, converters, strange-looking bearings, and shift levers, all of which must work in...
6 Reasons Your A/C Is Blowing Hot Air

6 Reasons Your A/C Is Blowing Hot Air

It’s one of those summer days in Virginia. The weather’s so blazing hot you can barely drag yourself from your air-conditioned house out to the car. And then, like a cruel joke, the A/C pushes warm, stale air into your vehicle. Nothing can spoil warm weather fun quite...